Tra­di­tio­nally, prom takes place 100 days before high school gra­du­ation. Most high school stu­dents look for­ward to this spe­cial ball. The prom party is also a day when we excep­tio­nally do not regret spen­ding. A suit or a dress for prom is the begin­ning of a long list.

Prom King and Queen

The first thing that comes to mind is the per­fect dress – prom can­not be without it. When cho­osing one, you sho­uld be guided pri­ma­rily by the taste of the owner. The future high school gra­du­ate sho­uld feel beau­ti­ful and com­for­ta­ble. A long prom dress is a popu­lar clas­sic. A dress to the gro­und elon­ga­tes the figure and covers the legs. It can be a good cho­ice for both tall girls and plus-size girls who want to cho­ose low shoes for prom – they will be cove­red by the fabric. A sexy long dress with cle­avage will make its owner a real prom queen.

For girls who like short, casual dres­ses, ideal for mad­ness on the dance floor will be a fla­red dress with a circle skirt. If you opt for an ele­gant, cock­tail look, a pen­cil dress will work. Check out dif­fe­rent models and cho­ose the one you feel good in. On the mar­ket, you can find dres­ses made of lace, tulle, and even latex. The most fashio­na­ble colors for prom are black and red, but among the cre­ations, you can often find also those eme­rald, beige, blue, and powder pink. The rule sho­uld be sim­ple – the more ornate the dress, the more modest the acces­so­ries.

Many gen­tle­men review prom suits with equal fervor. The cut and color of the suit do not have to be very ele­gant – you can cho­ose a casual ver­sion that suits young boys. Often in sto­res where you can buy a ready-made suit – tailo­ring cor­rec­tions are coun­ted in the price, it is worth asking about it. Chic high school gra­du­ates sho­uld match the color of the tie or bow tie to the dress of the part­ner.

Sym­bol of luck

Class pho­tos from the prom can not go without a group photo of ladies posing with a red gar­ter on the thigh. On which leg is the gar­ter worn? Prom is sym­bo­li­cally the last party before gra­du­ation, so it’s no won­der that it’s asso­cia­ted with many tra­di­tions. Accor­ding to super­sti­tion, the gar­ter on the left leg worn like this thro­ughout the party augurs good luck and a good result at gra­du­ation. It sho­uld neces­sa­rily be red, but intri­gu­ing rib­bons in black, white, or blue color are accep­ta­ble. You can also order a per­so­na­li­zed gar­ter, with names, class pro­file, or prom year.

Beauty con­test

For high school gra­du­ates, makeup and hair­style for prom are a defi­nite must-have, even more so if you decide to hire a pho­to­gra­pher. Prom make-up sho­uld be long-lasting, so it’s worth using the servi­ces of a pro­fes­sio­nal sty­list and good-quality cosme­tics. For this occa­sion, you can afford strong eve­ning makeup. The hair­style sho­uld be well-gro­omed, so it does not fall apart during the wild dan­cing. Loose hair or curls may inter­fere with the party and stick to the sweat on your skin. Updos and chi­gnons work well.

Cin­de­rella’s Car­riage

Only a few people come to prom in their own car. Future high school gra­du­ates are usu­ally of legal age, so often even teachers and parents allow alco­hol to appear at the party. Usu­ally, stu­dents are bro­ught to the prom by their parents or a friend, a rare cho­ice is a bus as the party goes on late. Ren­ting a car for prom is an incre­asin­gly popu­lar option. The appe­arance of clas­sma­tes in front of the hall in an ele­gant car is sure to impress, be memo­ra­ble and pro­vide topics for lively conver­sa­tions. A good idea is to divide the cost of car ren­tal between two befrien­ded couples. At Auto­Ve­tus we offer you to rent two black and white Jagu­ars – the clas­sic MKV and MKIX models will make your friends from the gra­du­ating class stun­ned!

A lit­tle party never kil­led nobody

Prom is often the first such ele­gant event, and in addi­tion, asso­cia­ted with huge expec­ta­tions, because it pre­ce­des the matu­rity exam. For a suc­cess­ful party, you need good com­pany and ela­bo­rate deta­ils. Use our guide and have fun with the rhy­thm of the best songs of all time!