„Wise men say only fools rush in, but I can’t help fal­ling in love with you” – sings Elvis Pre­sley in his popu­lar song. If your buddy has found the one and only who wants to be with him and, what’s more, has asked you to be the best man at his wed­ding, you have a dif­fi­cult task ahead of you. In this article, we’ve put toge­ther all the bache­lor party ideas we could think of. Chal­lenge accep­ted?

Memo­ra­ble home­co­ming

Have you alre­ady gathe­red your bud­dies and are looking for an idea to go out toge­ther, but the con­sen­sus is distant? Or maybe it’s the groom him­self who doesn’t want to go out that day? Then orga­nize a house party! All you need to have a good time is music, good games, and drinks. As befits real men, pre­pare some­thing to drink. An inte­re­sting dress code will work well, such as white shirts, suspen­ders, and bow ties. If any of your bud­dies have their own poker set, you can have a the­med party. Or maybe you’re clo­ser to a FIFA tour­na­ment on PlaySta­tion? If so, make sure the groom par­ti­ci­pa­tes in as many games as possi­ble, after all, it’s his night. Do not for­get to pre­pare ice cubes for drinks, it will be use­ful to cool the atmo­sphere!

If you have not rece­ived a cate­go­ri­cal ban from the bride, you can hire a dan­cer. Keep in mind that it does not have to be a strip­per. Make sure, howe­ver, that it will not cause quar­rels between the bride and groom. Other­wise, you are left with a game of booze and cigar smoke.

Show me the way to the next whi­sky bar

There may be a lot of sin­gle bache­lors in your party crew, for whom the best option will be an outing to the dan­cing party. Pick a really good club or favo­rite pub, or plan a route aro­und town to avoid disap­po­int­ment. Your mate’s last night of fre­edom is an oppor­tu­nity for a nightc­lub outing. At „high-end” bars, you can ask about spe­cial group options for the eve­ning, like a box ren­tal, whi­skey tasting, or a sim­pli­fied bar­ten­ding or som­me­lier course.

A rerun „The Han­go­ver”

This movie has pro­ba­bly been seen by all of you. Would you like to expe­rience it for your­self? To avoid the wrath of your girl­friends, cho­ose a mil­der ver­sion! You can start your trip on a ren­ted bus. Find a dri­ver or a wil­ling col­le­ague who will take you safely to your desti­na­tion. A small bus will accom­mo­date 8–9 people, and the party will pro­ba­bly start on the way.

What direc­tion to cho­ose? You can visit the coun­try or go abroad. In the coun­try, go to the moun­ta­ins, the seaside or to a cot­tage by the lake. A trip to the plot of one of you will also work. If it is warm, you can start the eve­ning with a bar­be­cue or bon­fire, eve­ry­one will cer­ta­inly enjoy eating some­thing warm as a base for fur­ther fun. If you’re going on a boat or ferry ride, or want to rent pedal boats, keep safety in mind. The same goes for spe­ed­bo­ating or kay­aking. These acti­vi­ties are best enjoyed during the day when it is light out and you are still sober.

Take it easy

For an eve­ning without a wild party, in a more ele­gant group, you can go to the golf course. Of course, it must allow for the weather, bud­get and … loca­tion of such a place. Che­aper and more acces­si­ble will be a bar with mini­golf – they are in most large cities. Ano­ther peace­ful idea is to go fishing toge­ther, but suc­cess­ful fishing requ­ires skill, patience, and often silence.


For extreme thrill-seekers, a bun­gee jump or, more darin­gly, a para­chute jump will be an intro­duc­tion to great fun, but the lat­ter may requ­ire prior tra­ining. These two options requ­ire courage from the gifted per­son. You are not sure, whe­ther the groom will decide to jump and the money will not be wasted? Buy him a fli­ght in a wind­mill, which is an ultra­li­ght plane, guided by a pilot, or a para­mo­tor fli­ght, with an instruc­tor pre­sent thro­ughout the fli­ght. He sho­uld also like the fli­ght in the aero tun­nel.

Exci­ting acti­vi­ties for lar­ger gro­ups inc­lude bal­lo­oning and sight­se­eing fli­ghts by plane. You can also visit an amu­se­ment park, but such enter­ta­in­ment usu­ally has limi­ted ope­ning hours. Buy admis­sion tic­kets for the groom, he alre­ady has eno­ugh expen­ses on his mind!

Four whe­els

If the groom is a fan of fast cars, he will enjoy dri­ving a sports car aro­und a track. You can also have a great time on a go-cart track. Many pla­ces, such as GoKar­ting Cen­ter in Kra­kow, offer to measure your time on pro­fes­sio­nal go-karts and orga­nize a pro­fes­sio­nal com­pe­ti­tion. By the way, you can rent a banquet hall above the track over­lo­oking the hall, where you will get spe­cially pre­pared refre­sh­ments.

You can take the groom on quads, but off-road requ­ires cer­tain skills and good ter­rain. Some­ti­mes gen­tle­men rent an ele­gant limo­usine, which they move to the place of the event, but this idea has gained more popu­larity on ladies’ nights. A con­no­is­seur will be satis­fied with a ride in a resto­red vin­tage car, which we have at Auto­Ve­tus. For a group of four, there is a Jaguar MKV for rent. This luxury conver­ti­ble, pro­du­ced between 1948 and 1951, came out in just 900 units. Also known as Jaguar Mark V or MK5, it is sty­led after the pre-war SS Jagu­ars. Our chauf­feur will take you on a jour­ney aro­und the city. If only the groom is to be a pas­sen­ger, you can rent a two-seater, red Mase­rati for him.

Don’t you need four whe­els? Go toge­ther on a bike trip out of town. You can spice up the trip by adding cam­ping or survi­val in the woods. Equip your­self with all the neces­sary items for such a trip – tents, kni­ves, fla­sh­li­ghts, dry pro­vi­sions, and plenty of drin­king water. Want a big­ger machine and a city vibe? Lots of lar­ger cities offer stre­et­car ren­tals. After an exhi­la­ra­ting ride, keep place tidy!

Dream team

Nothing uni­tes you more than com­pe­ting for a com­mon goal. This eve­ning you can opt for team sports or an orga­nized outing. Cho­ose the option that appe­als most to your group:

  • a soc­cer match – you can rent the hall or the field
  • bub­ble foot­ball
  • sho­oting range
  • paint­ball – if the bache­lor party takes place just before the wed­ding, it is bet­ter to cho­ose laser paint­ball – you do not risk bru­ising the groom
  • axe thro­wing tour­na­ment – cho­ose a place with pro­per infra­struc­ture – do not try to orga­nize this type of enter­ta­in­ment on your own!
  • clim­bing wall
  • rope park
  • escape room
  • house of fear
  • city game – you can orga­nize it your­se­lves, plan­ning in advance the pla­ces where the groom will disco­ver new puz­zles

After most of these attrac­tions, you need to ensure access to a sho­wer and clo­thes for change to con­ti­nue the fun. For „pre-TV” spor­t­smen, a cool idea for a bache­lor party is, for exam­ple, going to the match of your favo­rite team.

Win­ter sports fan

Win­ter is either loved or hated. It is usu­ally loved by those who acti­vely enjoy win­ter sports. If you are orga­ni­zing a bache­lor party in win­ter, you can of course go to the ice ska­ting or ski slope. Of course, this invo­lves you having fun and waiting in lines in a crowd of stran­gers, you won’t be able to have exhau­stive conver­sa­tions and you will get cold. GoSkiing in Kra­kow has a solu­tion to this. The indoor ski resort is equ­ip­ped with a sys­tem of auto­ma­tic tre­ad­mills whose inc­line and speed can be adju­sted to the tra­inee’s abi­lity. At the same time, there can be 8 people on skis or 4 on snow­bo­ards on the slope, and the whole ride can be wat­ched in real-time in a Vene­tian mir­ror or fol­lo­wed with an instruc­tor on a recor­ding.

Keep your friends close…

When plan­ning a bache­lor party, you’re pro­ba­bly arran­ging for con­si­stent attire. Per­so­na­li­zed t-shirts for eve­ry­one will solve this pro­blem. You can order them from many online sto­res. A bol­der and more chal­len­ging idea will be a the­med dress code refer­ring to popu­lar movies or series, such as „The God­fa­ther”, „The Great Gatsby”, or „Peaky Blin­ders”.

Cho­osing a con­si­stent out­fit for the whole group has ano­ther great advan­tage – if you get lost out on the town, it will be easier to find each other!